Shape Your Dream Body Without Exercise

Dive into CoolSculpting/Cool Month

Tired of spending countless hours at the gym trying to achieve your dream body? Say
goodbye to grueling workouts and hello to CoolSculpting! This April, we're thrilled to
announce the arrival of Cool Month, where you can transform your physique without
breaking a sweat.

Coolsculpting before and after photo


Cool Month Special Offer

From now until April 30th, take advantage of our exclusive CoolSculpting promotion:
Buy 4 CoolSculpting Cycles and Get 4 FREE!
Plus, enjoy each additional treatment at 50% off!

Why CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a revolutionary non-invasive fat reduction treatment approved by the
FDA. Using advanced cooling technology, CoolSculpting targets and freezes stubborn
fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated from your body over time. This means no
needles, no surgery, and no downtime.

Areas Targeted by CoolSculpting:

CoolSculpting can effectively target and reduce fat in various problem areas, including:

  • Bra fat

  • Double chin

  • Abdomen

  • Upper arms

  • Inner thighs

  • Love handles

How Does CoolSculpting Work?

During a CoolSculpting treatment session, a specialized applicator is applied to the
targeted area, delivering controlled cooling to freeze fat cells beneath the skin's surface.
Over the following weeks and months, your body naturally processes and eliminates the
treated fat cells, resulting in a slimmer, more sculpted appearance.

Ready to Get Started?

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to achieve your dream body without the
need for strenuous workouts! Take the first step towards a more confident you by
booking your CoolSculpting consultation today.
Unlock Your Dream Body with CoolSculpting/Cool Month

Contact Us

Ready to schedule your CoolSculpting treatment? Contact our offices to book your

Treat now, Pay Later with Cherry Payment Plans!
At Urban You, we believe that everyone deserves to feel confident and comfortable in
their own skin. That's why we offer flexible payment options, including Cherry Payment
Plans, allowing you to treat now and pay later.