Top 5 Summer Skin tips

Congratulations you have made it to summer! The best time of year. Spending time with your family. Going to the beach and laying out by the water. Going out for dinners with friends and families. Picnics in the park. Whatever your summer holds, there are 5 quick summer tips Urban You has for you to make it the best summer yet for your skin.

Tip #1 Sunscreen

Summer comes and goes, however, your skin is there to stay. A big part of taking care of your skin is to make sure you protect it against harmful UV rays that are beating down all summer long. Go out and by a new SPF sunscreen that you like for your skin type and make sure to apply it every day no matter your activities. Depending on how long you are out in the sun make sure to reapply every 1-2 hours depending on your skin type.


Picture of sunscreen on fact of a girl at the beach. Sun protection is so important !

Tip #2 Lotion is your friend

No one wants to wear their brand new sun dress for summer and realize they have dry skin that is now showing. Summer means more skin showing. We recommend you buy a light and fast absorbing lotion for summer to keep your skin hydrated and looking glowing when you wear your new summer sundress.


Put on your lotion ladies and gents. It keeps skin young and rejuvenated.

Tip #3 It’s sandals season

Your feet are always overlooked seeing that most of the year they are covered up by the type of shoes you wear. Now it's summer and your feet will be out and be showing. Nothing is worse than walking out and seeing dull dry feet. Keep up the lotion care as well as a sunscreen from head to toe… literally! A great way to keep your feet looking great is doing an exfoliating scrub which will keep your feet nice and soft.


Keep your toes painted and feet smooth. Sandals are the main shoe to wear in the summer.


Tip #4 Let your natural beauty shine

Under the bright beating sunshine less makeup is best. If makeup gives you confidence then do as you please. If you choose to wear makeup find products that are light on your face and have SPF in them. Giving your skin time to breathe from makeup can clear up your skin tremendously. Always have chapstick with SPF in it because no one wants dry sunburnt lips in the summer.


Here is a picture of natural beauty. Everyone is beautiful in their own way.

Tip #5 Drink Water

Stay hydrated all summer long! This will maintain a healthy skin glow as well as keep your metabolism cooking away all summer long. A good way to make water more desirable is adding in some fun summer colors by making infused water with fresh fruits. In addition to drinking water make sure to eat healthy nutrient-rich foods that are good for your digestion and will help with your skin. Some examples of those foods are spinach, kale, mangos, tomatoes, fresh fish, cherries and much more!


Infused water is a smarter way to drink water in the summer!