Urban You GR Bride Guide: Microneedling

Wedding Photo Ready

Let’s be honest, we all want clear, glowing skin that looks like we have been diffused by an Instagram filter in real life. Microneedling is the PERFECT way to even out skin texture, treat stubborn acne scarring, and rejuvenate your skin for your wedding day.

But how does it work?

Microneedling is a beauty procedure where tiny needles on either a roller or a pen poke the top layer of your skin, creating little holes that allow products to better absorb into the skin. Microneedling also promotes the stimulation of collagen, often referred to the “glue” that holds our body together, giving it structure and strength and GLOW.


Microneedling F.A.Q.

Who are the ideal candidates for Microneedling?

Microneedling is perfect for people of all ages and ethnicities who want to diminish scars, reduce pore size, and improve overall skin quality. It can also be done to eliminate stretch marks, treat alopecia, and help with wrinkles and fine lines.

Does it hurt?

Most people who have experienced the procedure say it felt, at worst, uncomfortable, but some offices manage the pain by applying topical numbing gel on the skin beforehand.

How soon can you see results?

Like facials or microdermabrasion sessions, to get the best results, you may have to commit to more than one session. It’s usually recommended to do multiple professional treatments over a three- to six month period.

I can only do one session before my wedding... when should I book it?

Microneedling results can be seen within days of treatment, however, full results after each session typically appear after four weeks. If you are doing multiple sessions, they will need to be spaced apart to allow the skin to properly heal between treatments.

How much does it cost?

The price of one treatment varies and can run from as low as $150 to as much as $700+ per session. We recommend booking a complimentary skincare consult with our Estheticians to determine the best treatment plan for your specific needs.


The UY Bride Timeline

6-10 weeks before CoolSculpting

3-4 months before Monthly facials

1 month before Microneedling

4-6 weeks before Bridal make-up & hair trial

2 weeks before Botox, wrinkle-remover

1 week before Fillers, fuller lips & cheeks

2 days before High-design nails

Day of Wedding

Bride Tribe hair & make-up, 3-4 hours before