Chemical peels


Why should I get a Chemical Peel?

1. They Reverse the Signs of Aging
Chemical peels diminish fine lines, textural issues, and mild hyperpigmentation to severe melasma. For minor concerns, like faint and sporadic sun spots or fine lines, 1-2 peels is generally sufficient to get your skin back to its most beautiful spot and wrinkle-free state! But for more moderate to severe concerns, 3-4 consecutive treatments is standard.

Peels remove dead skin cells thus promoting skin cell turnover, which means newer, brighter, and smoother skin. However, not all peels can be treated equal when it comes to turning back the clock. It’s important to always consult with a highly knowledgeable medical professional to determine what peel is best for your skin concerns and goals.

2. They Can Treat Acne and Acne Scars
When used in conjunction with effective products and/or medication, peels can be great for clearing up acne and acne scars. Peels containing salicylic acid and lactic acids are most commonly used to treat acne while Alpha-hydroxy and glycolic peels are also safe and effective. Peels containing any of these acids will exfoliate the dead skin, thus unclogging pores and gently relieving inflammation.

There are tons of acne-focused chemical peels out there but our current favorite is PCA Detox Peel.

*Containing an array of acids including Vitamin A, Salicylic, Kojic, Phytic, and Lactic, it can be quite helpful to patients with inflammatory acne. On top of that, it also aids in reducing hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin). ???

3. They’re Affordable
We don’t recommend using coupon or deal websites when booking chemical peels (or any medical aesthetic treatments for that matter). But don’t worry, peels aren’t frighteningly expensive. Our peels start at $75.

Results are usually long-lasting too! You don’t have to worry about more than just a few consecutive peels to achieve the results you’re looking for and don’t have to stress over routine appointments either.

4. They’re Quick and Painless
Most peels only require a 30-minute appointment and application is super easy too. Your skin will be thoroughly cleaned and often prepped with alcohol. Then, the peel is applied. You’ll leave with the peel on your face but in most cases, it’s almost invisible so you can go about your daily routine.

As long as you’re okay with the way you look during the peeling process (which can last 3-4 days), there’s no reason you can’t carry on with life per usual after being treated with a peel.

5. There’s a Peel for Everyone
Chemical peels are beneficial for all skin types, including:
sun damage, age spots, acne-proned skin, acne scarring, texture, fine lines, wrinkles, and pore size because it really rejuvenates the skin by turning over the cells.

To book your chemical peel, call us at 616.570.0228 or book with online with the Urban You app!

Peels Aftercare

Recovery times for peels will vary on the type and strength of your peel. After you peel, your skin may feel tight and may have redness. Using moisturizer, you can hep ctronol any visible peeling which should be fairly light. Peeling generally last 3-5 days, once again depending on peel type and strength.

You will want to ensure you are using gentle cleansers and moisturizers. It is very important to wear sunblock. Streneous exercise and heavy sweating should be avoided for 2-3 days, and excessive sun exposure should be avoided as well. Do not pick or peel the skin that is peeling or else you may risk scarring your skin.

What peels does Urban You offer?

Urban You offers SkinMedica and PCA Peels as a service, we also carry Dr.Dennis Gross Peels for your at-home regimen.



Illuminize Peel

  • More Gentle Peel, geared towards minor skin concerns

  • Promotes brightening and radiance of the skin

  • Promotes more uniform complexion

Vitalize Peel

  • Smoothes the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and roughness.

  • Noticeable results after first peel, amazing results after three to six.

Rejuvenize Peel

  • Geared towards more moderate to severe skin concerns.

  • Smoothes the appearance of fine lines, wrinkle and roughness

  • Contains a powerhouse of acids to yield results including Salicylic Acid, Mandelic Acid, Resorcinol, Malic Acid, and Phytic Acid.


Visible results in skin texture and consistency after 5 cycles of Rejuvenize Peel!

PCA Peels


Sensi Peel

  • Great for all skin conditions, including rosacea.

Ultra Peel 1

  • Improves aging skin and adult acne.


PCA Peel - Hydroquinone Free

  • Improves breakouts and skin tone.

PCA Peel with Hydroquinone

  • Reduces hyperpigmentation and breakouts.


PCA peel with Hydroquinone and Resorcinol

  • Reduces signs of sun damage and cystic acne

PCA Detoxfying Gel

  • Deep Pore Treament, detoxifies the skin with a blend of lactic, glycolic and salicylic acids exfoliates and promotes a purified and clear complexion

Urban You has a wide variety of peels to choose from to customize for your individual concerns. Visit us for a free skin consultation and one of our talented Skin Therapists will work with you to create your dream skin care results! Call (616) 570-0228 to book today.

wellness, skincareNicole Gregory