How to Find Beauty From Within with Fabienne Lindholm

The Secrets to Beautifying Aging

As women, we are constantly inundated with images and messages about what it means to be beautiful. We are told that in order to be happy and successful, we need to look a certain way and meet certain standards. But what if you don't feel like you fit into that narrow definition of beauty? What if you don't feel confident in your own skin? Tune into this episode to learn more.

Fabienne Lindholm is the Director of Global Learning and Development for Babor Beauty Group. She is also a keynote speaker and a navigation coach who helps others navigate a journey of past, present, and future experiences to develop the best versions of themselves. She is passionate about helping others build self-confidence and age gracefully.

“When beauty falls onto, "I don't like what I look like and I need to look like that other person" - we lose our identity.”

In this episode, Nicole Gregory and Fabienne Lindholm discuss beautifying vs. anti-aging and why aging needs to be redefined. They also discuss why being full of yourself is a good thing, the importance of self-care, and the beauty industry’s and social media’s influence on confidence.

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