5 Things to Get Yourself Ready for Spring Break

The past year has been a whirlwind. Between navigating a global pandemic and dealing with the stress of an election, you deserve some time off! Soak up that beach vacation this Spring Break, but before you leave, make sure you check out this list of self-care and beauty must-haves.

1. Shape Your Body with CoolSculpting

Have you been hibernating this winter, or maybe just quarantining? If so, it’s likely you might be regretting all those boredom-fueled trips to the snack cupboard. Don’t beat yourself up about it. You are not alone. So many people find themselves dealing with the dreaded quarantine fifteen weight gain. Thankfully, there’s something you can do about it. 

Paired with proper diet and exercise, CoolSculpting will have you lounging confidently on the beach in no time! Even just one treatment of CoolSculpting can reduce fat cells in the treated area by 20 – 25%. Now is the time to schedule a CoolSculpting consultation and develop a personalized plan for your fat loss goals. For the best results, add supplementary treatments, such as ShapeHouse Sweat or NuCalm.

Start your Urban You CoolSculpting journey today to feel your best for Spring Break!


2. Prep Your Skin with Hair Removal Solutions

If you have a few weeks before your spring getaway, consider laser hair removal. This permanent solution is safe and effective at diminishing body hair. It can even improve other skin imperfections too! Lucky for you, Urban You will offer laser hair removal, with top of the line equipment and technicians in January 2021. Spring Break might be just the opportunity you needed to take care of that unwanted hair once and for all. Just remember, you’ll need a few laser sessions to achieve your desired results, so plan in advance and schedule a laser consultation today.

Maybe you don’t have enough time before the big trip to try laser treatment, or maybe you simply want a less permanent solution? Just for you, Urban You also offers sugaring services to remove body hair. This ancient method removes hair with ease. Not to mention it’s less painful and irritating than waxing. That’s a win-win! Book ear, nose, bikini, or Brazilian sugaring sessions, and avoid the annoyance of shaving every day while on vacation.

3. Destress, destress, destress!

Vacations are meant to be rejuvenating and relaxing. Unfortunately, for many people, they only cause more stress and anxiety. If you want to ensure a restful vacation, start dampening your stress levels before you even leave. Stress has so many negative effects on the body. One way to limit these physical effects is a wellness booster from Urban You. The special combination of natural ingredients in the booster will help your body feels its best, even under a little stress.

Journaling and mindfulness sessions can be extremely helpful to treat the source of your stress. Urban You’s NuCalm and Shape House Sweat treatments can aid in this process, helping you restore yourself and cut back on stress. 

Spring Break can be a stressful time. Make sure to take a few moments for yourself – both on the trip and before you leave.

4. Ready for Your Close-Up?

Nothing makes your smile shine or your inner beauty glow like smooth, radiating skin. With so many options to choose from at Urban You, there’s a facial that’s perfect for you and all your Spring Break skin needs. You can even purchase some clinical quality skin products to take with you on your trip to keep your skin looking amazing! On top of the glowing skin, facials kill two birds with one stone by helping you destress and recharge. 

Schedule a skin consultation today to get an expert opinion on what facials and skin treatment you should try!

5. Spring Cleaning

Spring is a time of renewal, whether that means renewing your body, your mind, or your home. Urban You offers so many opportunities to renew yourself and do a little deep cleaning, whether that’s cleaning the pores of your skin, sweating away impurities, or cleansing your heart, soul, and mind with a NuCalm session.

Taking a little time before Spring Break to clean your home will also be very beneficial. Surprisingly, a little floor-scrubbing or sheet washing can also be surprisingly renewing for your mind. Plus, a clean living space will make packing much easier and limit stress levels when you return home. 

We hope these 5 tips help you to get yourself Spring Break ready! Right now, when you complete your FREE wellness consulations you'll UNLOCK PROMOTIONAL PRICING. We provide FREE wellness consultations to all of our guests. Our wellness consultations help our providers to create a personalized treatment plan to help you meet your beauty and wellness goals. We feel that this helps us to provide the best recommendation for your wellness journey.