Coming Soon: OxyGeneo Facial!

Glowy, smooth, and youthful looking skin is something we all are trying to achieve. With the AMAZING facials that are being created, it’s easier now than before to be able to achieve this without going under the knife.

Coming soon to Urban You is the OxyGeneo Facial! If you’ve never heard of a OxyGeneo Facial, we invite you the read the blog below!


What is the OxyGeneo Facial?

OxyGeneo is a 3-in-1 facial. It Exfoliates, hydrates, and oxygenates your skin simultaneously.

How does it work?

The OxyGeneo treatment creates a chemical reaction that produces CO2 bubbles which gently burst on the skin's surface. The tip of the pen, Capsugen tablet, exfoliates the upper skin layer to remove dead cells, smooth and renew the skin.

The OxyGeneo effect triggers a naturally occurring reaction in the body. The hemoglobin (red protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood) brings oxygen to the skin's surface where the CO2 concentration is high. This increases the levels of 02 resulting in increased skin absorption of active ingredients.

How long is this treatment?

20 minutes!

What results can you expect from Oxygeneo treatments?

Tighter skin, smoother skin, radiant skin, face lifted.

How fast will you see results?

You will notice a difference right after the treatment is over with.

What skin conditions can OxyGeneo treat?

The OxyGeneo Facial helps for a few different skin concerns. Some people may like it because of the anti-aging benefits of having hyaluronic acid and retinol infused in the skin. Some might come in and they have blocked pores and acne and ant their pores cleared out. The OxyGeneo facial will lessen the appearance of redness and wrinkles on your face, too!

Is there any downtime after a OxyGeneo treatment?

There is no downtime after this treatment! This is a facial that can be done on your lunch break! If anything, your skin will look much better going back into work. If you have an event to go to, you can get this treatment on the same day!

Can’t wait for us to get the OxyGeneo Facial? Check out our other Med Spa services!